The Impact of Tobacco Use on Household Consumption Patterns in Pakistan

The Impact of Tobacco Use on Household Consumption Patterns in Pakistan

The Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC) hosted a webinar on ‘The Impact of Tobacco Use on Household Consumption Patterns in Pakistan’ on Wednesday, August 26, 2020. Purpose of the webinar was to share the findings of recent research work of SPDC on the above mentioned topic. The study explored how reductions in tobacco expenditure affect intra-household resource allocation. The analysis has been conducted for different income groups to particularly see the impact on poor households.

Wasim Saleem, Research Associate SPDC and co-author of the research, while presenting the findings of the SPDC’s research stated that consumption of tobacco constitutes a sizable portion of household expenditure in Pakistan, which leads to reduced expenditure on other goods and services including basic needs such as education, health, food, housing, and others. The study reveals that lower-income households spend a larger share of their budget (3.0%) on tobacco than higher-income households (2.6%). In the case of lower-income households, the budget share allocated to tobacco is even greater than education and health. The analysis shows that reducing tobacco use by 50% in lower-income households allows for more resources to be used on other commodities, especially food (25%) and education (35%). Given the tobacco-poverty link highlighted in the study, it was recommended that tobacco control measures be integrated into the poverty reduction policies and programs.

Malik Imran, from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids also participated in the webinar as a guest speaker. He mentioned that advocacy plans should be redesigned and include more than just the health aspect of tobacco consumption. He also said, “SPDC’s research study will help make connections between tobacco consumption and poverty or nutritional values for future advocacy campaigns.”

Dr. Shahzad Alam Khan from WHO-Pakistan was a guest speaker at the webinar. He congratulated and appreciated the efforts of SPDC on their research studies on tobacco consumption. He said, “Tobacco consumption is more prevalent in uneducated and low income households. Tobacco and poverty create a vicious circle. Reduction of tobacco expenditure will increase the expenditure on food and education. Tobacco control should be a part of all poverty eradication programs by the government, such as Ehsas Program.”

Dr. Ziauddin Islam from the Tobacco Control Cell of the Ministry of National Health Services, also spoke on the occasion appreciated the study.

Here are the reports for your reference:
1. Research Report: The Impact of Tobacco Use on Household Consumption
Patterns in Pakistan:

2. Policy Brief: Tobacco expenditure leads to reduced spending on basic
needs among poor households:

Date: 31/07/2020