Government Publication

  • Fatima Khaliq and Waqas Ahmad, 2018 “State of Health Sector in Pakistan” SBP Staff Notes published by the State Bank of Pakistan in April 2018
  • Planning and Development Department Government of the Punjab, February 2015 “Guidelines for Preparation of annual  Development Program 2015-16″.
  • Government of Sindh and UNDP Pakistan (2012), “Report on the Status of Millennium Development Goals  Sindh”, published by GoS and UNDP October 2012.
  • Government of Punjab and UNDP Pakistan (2011), “Punjab Millennium Development Goals”, published by GoP and UNDP 2011.
  • Government of KPK and UNDP Pakistan (2011), “Report on the Status of Millennium Development Goals Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”, published by GoKPK and UNDP 2011.
  • Government of the Punjab (2011), “Punjab Youth Pulicy” published by Bargad and United Nations Population Fund, December 2011.
  • Government of Sindh, 2011, “Situation Analysis for Post Devulution Health Sector Strategy of Sindh Province” November 2011.
  • State Bank of Pakistan, 2011 “Fresh Arrivals Bulletin” July 2011, SBP Library.
  • Dr. Iram Khan, 2011 “Gender Responsiveness in Federal Budgets 2009-10 & 2010-11” published by Finance Division Government of Pakistan (PRSM Project) 2011
  • Aisha Ghaus Pasha, 2010. “Process Oriented Poverty Focused Gender Based Analysis of Punjab’s Budget 2009-10” published by UNDP and Government of the Punjab (P&D) 2010.
  • Government of the Punjab – Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy, (2012), “Family Foundations in the Punjab 2010”, published by GOP and PCP.
  • Government of Pakistan (2010), “Final report of The Panel of Economists – Medium-Term Development Imperatives and Strategy for Pakistan” Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of NWFP (2009), White Paper 2009-10, Finance Department, June 2009.
  • Government of Pakistan “Analysis of the Budget (2008-9) Through a Gender Lens”, Strengthening PRS Monitoring Project, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan
  • Government of Pakistan (2008), Interim Report on Economic Stabilization with a Human Face, Report of the Panel of Economists, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of Pakistan (2008), “Mid-Term Review of Medium Term Development Framework 2005-2010,” Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of Pakistan, Statistical Division 2007-08, “National Health Accounts-Pakistan 2007-08” published by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.
  • SBP (2008), “The State of Pakistan’s Economy,” Third Quarterly Report 2007-2008, Sate Bank of Pakistan.
  • Government of Balochistan, Pakistan and IUCN Pakistan, 2007 “Gwadar-Integrated Development Vision” published with the support of RNE.
  • GRBI (2006), Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative, Quarterly Progress Report Jan-March 2006, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of Pakistan (2006), “National Education Pulicy Review, January 2006” Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, 2006.
  • Government of Punjab (2005), Poverty Focused Investment Strategy: Health Sector Final Draft,” Punjab Resource Management Program, Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, July 2005.
  • Government of Sindh (2004), “Sindh Vision 2030: Aspiring towards a Healthy, Productive and Prosperous Nation,” Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh.
  • GRBI (2006), Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative, Quarterly Progress Report Jan-March 2006, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of Pakistan (2004), Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Progress Report for the Year 2003-04, September 2004, PRSP Secretariat. Finance Division, Government of Pakistan.
  • Government of Sindh (2004), Sindh Devulved Social Services Program (2004), Status Report, Finance Department, Government of Sindh.
  • Government of Sindh (2004), Report on Implementation of Sindh PFC Award during 2003 and 2004, Finance and Cooperation Department, Government of Sindh.
  • Government of Sindh (2004), Report and Recommendations of the Provincial Finance Commission, Provincial Finance Secretariat, Government of Sindh.
  • Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative. Project document jointly signed by Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan and UNDP 2004.
  • Government of NWFP (2003), North Western Frontier Province of Pakistan. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Planning and Development Department, Government of N.W.F.P.
  • Government of Sindh (2003), Sindh Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh.
  • Government of Punjab (2003), Punjab Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Planning and Development Board, Government of Punjab.
  • Government of Pakistan (2001), Three Year Poverty Reduction Program 2001-04, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan,
  • Government of Punjab, PFIS (Poverty Focused Investment Strategy), Punjab Housing and Urban Development, Punjab Resource Management Program, Government of Punjab.
  • Government of NWFP, Socio Economic Indicators of North West Frontier Province, Finance Department, Government of NWFP.